Facts about Vaser Liposuction and its Amazing Outcome

Unattractive body and bulky looks is a matter of concern for most people throughout the world. And this is the reason for the growing interest of people in aesthetic treatments. Among the various cosmetic surgeries available in London, Vaser Liposuction or Vaser Liposculpture is gaining popularity day by day. People find it worthy to undergo this surgery as they expect effective and quick results from it.

Why people are considering Vaser Liposuction?

Liposculpture offers people a rapid and permanent way to reduce unwanted fat and reshape their body. An individual who is in a good physical condition and is interested in body contouring or body sculpting, rather than just reducing weight, is ideal for Vaser Liposuction. It is a minimally invasive procedure and can be used on multiple areas of the body giving effective results. The time needed for recovery is also shorter than other liposuction procedures. In this process, the adjacent body tissue to the fat cells being removed remains undamaged. Less scarring and bruising is an added advantage.

Facts that will help you to understand about Vaser Lipo:

In this process, a tumescent liquid or saline solution is mixed with anesthetic and is injected into the  body areas from where the fat is to be removed. Ultrasonic energy is used to break down the fat cells which is then sucked out using a suction device attached to a hollow tube known as cannula. A little of the anesthetic remains in the body which helps in controlling post-procedural pain. Some areas in the body that are suitable for this surgery are

    • Thighs
    • Knees
    • Arms
    • Abdomen
    • Chest
    • Neck
    • Chin

How to prepare:

Having a complete knowledge of the procedures and a realistic expectation is always recommended in this type of treatment. You should be prepared for this surgery physically and mentally as well so as not to get too nervous on the day of treatment.

Few things that you must keep in mind before undergoing this procedure:

    • Stop smoking
    • Limit alcohol consumption
    • Stop taking aspirin and certain other medications if you are using them
    • Drink lots of water

How to take care of yourself after the surgery

Doctors may ask you to take some medications to reduce pain. Apart from medications you should also keep the treated area clean and dry to trigger the recovery process. You must need to follow a healthy lifestyle as suggested by your healthcare professional. This not only helps in recovery but also in keeping your body in a shape that you will love to have

Smith Stanley, a blogger by choice has a rich experience of writing about cosmetology concepts and various treatment procedures. In this article he discussed about the facts about vaser liposuction and its amazing outcome

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